Saturday, May 22, 2010

Restaurants are the Devil's Playground

This would be going so much more smoothly if I didn't love restaurants quite so much.

I love them with a fiery, burning passion, and they just don't love my waistline back. If I made all my meals at home and packed up snacks the way I know I'm supposed to, I'd be in much better shape (pun intended), but I just can't pull it together.

What's a non-cooking foodie to do? Hmmm....

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

P.S. -- Things I'll do differently next time...

1) Heading into Week 2, I'll have to cut back on my number of Cheat Days, the days when I don't count calories and eat whatever the hell I want in whatever quantities. Last week, Week One, I had 3 of those. Out of 7. Bad idea. Not the most productive way to lose weight. So, no more than 2 Cheat Days.

2) I really need to go to the grocery store and get: Lean Cuisines, healthy snacks, gum, etc. Dieting Supplies.

3) I need to get to the gym!

One week, one pound

So nearly a week into this dieting misadventure, I've lost a whole pound. Not that I'm knocking that hard-won pound, but I feel like I'm gonna have to try hard not to get discouraged.

On the upside, I feel really committed to this process and have decided to think of it as putting myself on a Diet. Which is different than the idea of some daunting Life Change. I keep hearing my trainer's voice in my head saying, "You can't have that!" It's one thing to think that I can't have that _ whatever the delicious "that" is _ for the next two months. It's quite another to think I can't ever have it again. Which is what I was doing before. This is temporary. One step on a longer journey toward healthier eating habits in general and a happier body. If I'd had this epiphany months ago, I might not be where I am now. But no use beating myself up about it now.

So, one small step for me, one giant leap for womankind. I can't wait to step on the scale and see that 135 smiling up at me!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

135 by 35

It's May 12, 2010, and I've promised myself that by July 12, 2010 _ my 35th birthday, eesh _ I'll be down to my fighting weight of 135 pounds.

On the off chance anyone happens to stumble across this blog, I won't say what my starting weight is, but I've got a semi-daunting task ahead of me that will spell the end of my all-you-can-eat mac and cheese adventures. No more double pints of Blue Moon. No more scarfing an entire bag of peanut M&Ms. At least not for the next two months anyway. After that, all bets are off. Maybe. Probably.

Seeing that glowing number looking up at me from the scale this morning was ugly, let me tell you. It's a number I hoped to never see again, and I'm hoping it's the last time I see it until I'm at least 65. Or pregnant. Shudder.

So off we go. I'm hoping this blog will motivate me to write about trying to lose weight for the 1,000 time in my life and treat it like a real project.
